Felix Dockweiler

Jenny took a sip of her wine, her dark eyes thoughtful. “It’s going to be you, you know. That’s what I keep hearing.”

“I’ve been hearing exactly the opposite.”

“You’re beautiful, Felix. You look great on camera. And when you’re reporting on something, you look so earnest, or involved, or something. You look like you care. People want you to succeed.”

Felix Dockweiler is the protagonist of Demon City.

At 22, Felix is an entertainment reporter for The Big Boom on the Atomic Network in Los Angeles, though he's currently locked in a competition with Jenny Sharp to see who will be offered the job on a permanent basis. He's a former model and sometime actor. His major acting credit was a role in a film called Frat Party USA. Originally from Omaha, Nebraska, Felix moved to New York after graduating from high school. He now shares the top floor of a duplex in Beverly Hills with Jamie.

Felix has a troubled younger brother, Michael. It's implied that Felix had a somewhat rough childhood. It's also implied that he has a history of eating disorders. Beautiful and naive, Felix is agreeable and eager to please.