Joel Sutton

Joel Sutton lived on the penthouse level. He answered the door himself, dressed casually for the weekend in khaki slacks and a cashmere v-necked sweater. Handsome and fiftyish, a gracefully aging preppie with a thick head of well-maintained blond hair. A flash of a gold Rolex on a tanned arm, a flash of even white teeth when he invited them inside and ushered them into his living room.

Joel Sutton is the son of former US Senator Christopher Sutton and the twin brother of Joelle Sutton. Wealthy beyond belief, he owns a Park Avenue penthouse and the Sutton family home in Greenwich.

In Bias Cut, Joel Sutton is currently married to his fourth wife, Natalie Sutton. It is strongly implied that he abuses her. He was involved in an abusive, incestuous relationship with his recently-deceased twin sister, Joelle Sutton. In addition, he raped and murdered two of Joelle’s former lovers, Sabina Petrescu and Alina Lowe.

In Lonely Satellite, he is carrying on an abusive, incestuous relationship with his twin sister, Joelle Sutton. The rapes and murders of Sabina and Alina are mentioned only indirectly, but it’s safe to assume they occurred in this timeline as well. Ten years before the events of Lonely Satellite, he arranged the murder of Laurie Sparks’s mother, Senator Maggie Sparks.