Ridpath Washburn

The door flew open. Ridpath, bare-chested and in track pants, ran a hand over his shaved head and squinted at her. “What’s up, doll?” ... His movements were precise and contained. He looked burly and bulky on television, with a thick neck and a powerful upper body, but in the flesh, he was surprisingly compact. He was an inch or so taller than Vish, which put him just under six feet, and his shoulders, while sculpted with well-defined musculature, were narrow. Petite, even.

In Wrong City, Ridpath is Troy Van Ellen's costar on Interstellar Boys, along with Kelsey Kirkpatrick.

In Demon City, Ridpath is the star of Anathema, the television show Vish created about Sparky Mother.

A downright cool dude, Ridpath lives in Tarzana with his boyfriend, Brad.